An ABC investigation has revealed that Adani, Whitehaven and Anglo-America (and likely many other coal companies) are dangerously under-reporting their emissions and super-polluting methane leaks, and the Government does nothing about it.
Australia has a big coal problem. We’re the world’s biggest coal exporter and home to the biggest pipeline of new coal mines. Australia’s coal problem is made even more dangerous with ABC’s investigation showing coal companies are failing to accurately estimate and report emissions.
The newly reformed Safeguard Mechanism committed the Climate Change Authority to review emissions reporting methods. This news demonstrates the need for an overhaul of Australia’s emissions reporting measures, especially for super-polluting methane.
The ABC’s investigation reveals just how weak Australia’s emissions laws are, allowing companies like Adani and Whitehaven to get away with huge unregulated and super-polluting emissions.
Let your MP know that Australia has a serious methane problem and needs to create a strong methane action plan.