Right now, Japanese Steel company JFE Steel is considering buying a stake in Whitehaven Coal's Blackwater coal mine in central Queensland.
Whitehaven Coal is pursuing more coal projects than any other company in Australia at a time when the world's scientists warn that all coal expansion must stop immediately to avoid runaway climate change.
Whitehaven's proposed coal projects in Queensland also threaten precious Koala habitat. The Blackwater South project could affect up to 7000 hectares of koala habitat west of Rockhampton.
Join our big Koala die-in outside JFE Steel's Brisbane offices to say: 'Save Our Koalas - Don't Fund Whitehaven Coal!'
We understand from media reports that JFE Steel will make their decision about whether to buy a stake in the Blackwater mine in August. We've requested several meetings with JFE Steel, followed up multiple times and had no response.
So now is the time to ramp up the public pressure. We are rolling out three mobilisations against JFE that day - in Brisbane, Sydney and Tokyo. Let's make this huge!
NOTE: The action runs from 8.30-10am, but we'll be inviting the media long for our big die in at 9.30am so if you can only join us for a short time, please be there by 9.30 if you can!