In the midst of a climate crisis, Whitehaven Coal have plans to DOUBLE their coal mining operations with four new coal projects – and NAB is funding the expansion.
Join us for a fun and colourful road wave to share this important info about NAB callously funding coal mining while ignoring the science on why our climate is overheating. (It's burning coal stupid!)
Passing peak hour motorists have been very supportive last year - and we will be calling out NAB to the thousands passing by.
After our roadwave, we will flood the bank for a sit in.
It's time to flood NAB everywhere and demand they stop funding climate chaos.
From March 27-April 5, across 10 big days of action, the Move Beyond Coal Movement is putting NAB’s reputation to the test. Communities across the country will be stepping up their actions and flooding NAB’s foyers to demand they stop funding Whitehaven’s dangerous coal expansion plans.