Move Beyond Coal Newcastle welcomes everyone to send a message to our Local Member Sharon Claydon and the public that Newcastle wants the Labor Government to deliver on No More Coal & Gas.
Join us at 8:30am to engage the public outside of Sharon Claydon's office and ensure Sharon Claydon and her staffers see the support for our demands on the inside!
We will be:
- Hearing from the community
- Holding signs, engaging with driversĀ
- Handing out flyers and talking to the public
- Singing songs
And demanding the Albanese Labor Government:
- Reform Australia's environment laws to include community merits review and make a liveable climate a 'matter of national environmental significance'
- Listen to the communities calls to Move Australia Beyond Coal (& Gas) with a fair, fast and funded transition- particularly here in the Hunter
- Phase out coal by 2030
Bring a sign and your best singing voice and wear your Move Beyond Coal t-shirt!