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Rise Up! 12 Days of Action: 29 April - 10 May

Labor Keep Us Safe - No More Coal and Gas

This year the Labor Government will decide whether to open the flood gates to 116 more coal and gas projects that will lock in decades more climate disasters for our communities. 

Across the continent our communities are feeling the impacts of coal and gas and standing up to say enough-is-enough and build the people power to stop these corporations.

That’s why we’re taking to the streets in cities, suburbs and towns across the country from Monday 29 April to Friday 10th May are rising up to to demand 📣 Labor: keep us safe – no more coal and gas! 📣

To cover every Labor electorate and make an unmissable display of people power, we need you and your friends to turn out to an action, or host one in your community.

Check out the map to join an action and connect with others taking action for this powerful moment together!




What's being planned

Move Beyond Coal teams and grassroots groups are teaming up with our partners, AYCC, GetUp! and ACF to take action at MPs offices and in the streets between Monday 29th April and Friday 10th May. 

With an upcoming Federal Budget deciding what gets funding, and a looming deadline for Labor to fix our environment laws so they consider the impacts of climate change, right now is a crucial moment to rise up and make our demands loud and clear: ❌no approvals or handouts for coal and gas ❌

In Labor seats - take action at your Federal MPs office, directly calling on them and Prime Minister Albanese to Keep Us Safe - No More Coal and Gas! 

In Coalition seats - take action in a high profile public place, Labor needs to see that even areas considered politically conservative want climate action.

In Teal/Green seats - take action in a high profile public place and show how strong the support for climate action is in your seat.

For more information and inspo check out this section of the Action Guide

How can I take part

You can join an action near you by signing up on the map below.

Can’t find an action near you? Why not host your own!

Step 1. Download and Read the Rise Up Action Guide

Step 2. Pick a date and time during Rise Up (29 April - 10 May) and recruit some friends to help you organise

Step 3. Register your action here so it shows up on the national map! The Guide links to this suggested NAME & BLURB for your action.

Once you’ve registered your action, a member of the Move Beyond Coal National Support Team will get in touch with you and make sure you have everything you need for a successful and impactful action!

Support for your action

  • Download the Read the Rise Up Action Guide which has handy tips and links to useful resources to host your action.
  • When you sign up to host your action here, one of our friendly support hub volunteers will give you a call to check you have everything you need!

Join the Move Beyond Coal Facebook Support Network to connect with others across the country taking action.


So what are you waiting for?

Together, we can move Australia beyond coal!