Whitehaven is planning to double its coal production with four major new coal projects. Just three of those mines would unleash almost 1.1 billion tonnes of carbon emissions.
The world’s scientists warn that all coal expansion must stop immediately to avoid runaway global heating. Whitehaven Coal is all about coal - the single biggest driver of the global climate crisis. Whitehaven Coal have no plans to reduce their Scope 3 emissions or reduce their exposure to thermal coal. Instead, they are digging in to the most damaging resource for our climate.
Alarmingly, Whitehaven Coal plans to double its coal production through four major new coal projects. When emissions from digging up and burning the coal are added, over their lifetimes just three of those mines would unleash almost 1.1 billion tonnes of carbon emissions, the equivalent of almost twice Australia’s total annual emissions. Whitehaven Coal also wants to explore a brand new coal deposit near Narrabri at Gorman North.
4th "Gorman North" project emissions not yet available. Data: Market Forces
The companies bankrolling Whitehaven are undermining global efforts to avoid catastrophic climate change and putting countless lives and livelihoods at risk.
Global banks must rule out funding Whitehaven Coal’s disastrous coal expansion.